
“Like the strings of an instrument, all elements of our being must be stretched into shape. Our bodies, minds, and spirits must be pulled to the proper tension for us to hold our note. We need to tune ourselves so that we may have a chance to be in harmony with one another.”

-Andrew Fritz

Heal your body, mind, emotions and spirit. Acute and chronic injuries are forever relieved and a new body awareness and alignment is found. Become limitless in your healing capabilities.


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What Is Myofascial Release

Myofascial release therapy removes the adhesions in your connective tissue that form during any emotional, physical, psychological or energetic trauma. As the adhesions and the scar tissue are released, the trauma is also released, and the body returns to its state prior to the trauma.

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Return your body to its most natural state - free of restrictions and traumas. Free for limitless movement and possibilities.


“You don’t get stuck from being in a position, you get stuck from never coming out of it.”

— Tom Myers